I am the happiest I have ever been.
And that’s due in no small part to
Posey coming into our lives.
Posey coming into our lives.
For the past year, she has made our transition to a family of four such an easy one.
Most of the time.

Most of the time.

Everywhere we go, people comment on what a happy and content baby she is.

We can’t imagine our family without her.

Posey, I’m so proud to be your mami.
I love you so very much.
And I look forward to every day with you.
I feel so fortunate.

I love you so very much.
And I look forward to every day with you.
I feel so fortunate.

Happy first birthday,
my sweet, sweet girl!!!
my sweet, sweet girl!!!

Oh, she is ADORABLE.What a lovely post. (It echoes how I feel about my thrid and final, Lexie.)
I love the pictures!!! Such an adorable big eyed baby!!!!!
She couldn't be cuter! Happy Bday, Posey!!!
Oh look at those beautiful eyes!!!
And I adore her name- posey. That is just gorgeous!!
Awwwwe! I can't imagine my life without Posey either!! And Elo too for that matter.... heck, I can't imagine my life without any of you.
Thanks for a fun birthday weekend. I hope Miss Pose had fun - Tita did :)
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