Take 15% off all Homekeeping items* with your $99 online Homekeeping purchase. At checkout, enter promotional code: WSMARSHLV15.
It just so happens that everything I've been lusting after is in the Homekeeping section. Coincidence? I prefer to believe it's the Birthday Money God's way of telling me that I should spend freely and without guilt on whatever ma lil' ol' heart desires. Granted, it's not lingerie, but these are still things that I'll get more happiness from than anyone else. Wait. That wasn't a good example. I am not the giddy one when it comes to lingerie. But you know what I mean. It's not always easy for moms to spend without hesitation on themselves.

Next, it's about canisters. The lack of them in my kitchen. Since I'm on the verge of being mistaken for Martha Stewart, I think I need a better arrangement for my pantry staples than gallon-sized Ziplocs. Ideally, this would mean actually having a pantry, but that's neither here nor there. Let's just look at the canister selections, shall we?
For your consideration, in no particular order, which set do we like best?
Ceramic and SS:


Decisions, decisions.
Let me know what you get if you take advantage of the discount to stock up on your Homekeeping necessities, too!
what!? how did i not get this code! ;) we are both addicted.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, it does look like we are on the same path, for sure. Vegan food is a new kind of yummy, wouldn't you say? and yes-the Bugg does rock. Your blog looks great--looking forward to following!
I say glass!! I have all glass canisters and I love them. They hold my goodies and they are beautiful!!!
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