I love getting the scoop on other people's weight-loss successes. If they can do it, well then, maybe little ol' me can do it, too. Keep your celebrity weight-loss secrets. I want to hear how real folks have dug in their heels and made it work.
So, what on earth is a FILF, you ask? Contrary to what you may be thinking (this is a family blog!), it's a Friend Interested in Losing Fat.
Occasionally on Fridays, we'll be getting insider tips from people just like you and me. Some of them have lost weight, some may be at their goal, and some may be just starting out. But, if there is one thing I've learned over my years on the chub roller coaster, it's that most of us are a lot more alike than we might realize. No matter our approach to food and eating, there are usually a lot of similarities we can see in our emotions, struggles, and passion about food and our weight.
Today, we'll be traveling Down Under to meet Lucy, who I met recently through the blogging world. When I read Lucy's blog and learned a little bit about her, I knew I'd found a kindred spirit. So for our second installment of FILF Fridays, please welcome Lucy!

Please tell us a little bit about you.
I live in the foothills of Adelaide, South Australia, with my lovely husband and my three lovely children. The children are embarrassingly close in age. I work for myself as a consultant project manager. My hobbies are to blog, to entertain, and to walk.
What brought you to where you are now in your weight loss journey?
At the start of 2008, I made the choice to take back my life and to transform myself from an obese 121kg goddess to a lithe and supple goddess of healthier proportions. I still have a way to go. 20kg to go.
At the start of 2009, I added a detour to my journey to health by choosing to give up smoking after 27 years. (Yep. I only just hit 40. I started smoking at aged thirteen. Scary. SO glad to be rid of that habit.)
So, in two years, I lost over 30kg and transformed my health.
What has kept you going?
When I very first started, I wrote out goals. I visualise intently and practice this. I have a project plan, and whilst it has deviated, the goal remains the same, so I just keep coming back to that goal of how I want to feel. I find it easier to plan and work towards something, rather than be grinding away from something. So I have noticed that when I need to refire up my flagging enthusiasm, I remind myself of the end prize.
Any favorite, nutritious meals you come back to again and again?
Garlic prawns combined with steamed veggies. Or a BBQ . . . or my take on butter chicken . . .
What has been most challenging for you in this process?
The emotional side of things. I am torn between the concept that “all diets work, just stick to it. Eat less and move more," and the realisation that it is our emotions that have the ability to keep us fat. The war between those concepts' use is immense, and energy draining.
Is there something you've tried that you'd never do again? Or something you do find worthwhile?
Ummmmm, laxatives are not a good idea. I have never abused them, but I once took some on a Saturday night as I was feeling very constipated. They worked into the middle of a huge, long, steep walk up through Black Hill Conservation Park. Luckily, there were no other walkers around. Enough said.
But something I DO think is worthwhile is psyllium husk, to aid your fibre intake and to reduce cholesterol levels. There. Probably enough about bowel movements now?!
If you could talk to Lucy 10 years ago, what would you tell her?
Start the weight loss thing NOW. You know you need to, babe. You are walking well, but eating so much crap. Stop it. Stop smoking and stop chugalugging too much beer, stop partying so hard. Slow down. Any minute now, you are going to want to start a family. Start planning for your health NOW. You will have all the babies you want, I promise. You will be a birthing goddess. Just lose some weight now? Make it easier on yourself? I love you. Stop working so hard.
How do you balance your dietary needs/restrictions with your family's?
This is an interesting one. We do not talk about “diets” at all in my family. Ever. We talk about exercise being fun, and food that gives us energy. When we see junk food that is tempting in the shops or at a restaurant the family phrase is “that is not great energy food. Maybe we can find something that’ll give us more energy." It is easy for me to follow my family and eat exactly what they eat. But if I want to lose weight, I just cannot eat the mashed potatoes with butter, or the ice cream. I am at the stage now when I have to resist. It is hard.
Do you have any tips/advice you think might help other FILF’s?
Believe. You have to get into a place in your brain where you truly believe that you can and will be the shape and size and health that you want to be. Once you believe that in your heart and mind, it becomes SO much easier to eat less and move more.
Congratulations on kicking the butts, Lucy. Sounds like you're kicking a whole lotta butt with your weight loss and fitness goals, too! You've given us a bunch of food for thought, and we're thrilled you could join us for a FILF Friday. We're better for having met you!
*You can follow Lucy's progress and read more of her inspiring thoughts on her blog, Diminishing Lucy.
Great interview Lucy. Very inspiring! I truly believe we can achieve whatever we set our hearts to if we're willing to put in the effort and if we believe in ourselves.
Yay, go Lucy Goddess! xx
I love hearing you talk to your future and past selves, always with such love.
oops probably should say self. And probably should say hello to you, Beetnik Mama! FILF interviews are a great idea :)
I love Lucy, actually it was through Lucy that I discovered Beetnik Mama!
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