We spent much of Monday and Tuesday mornings in the doctor's office trying to figure out why Posey had a 104-degree fever and was inconsolably miserable. After much poking and prodding, our pediatrician came to the conclusion that she has the Virus of the Month. In other words, there was nothing we could really do except let her rest and try to keep her hydrated. And rest she did. That poor baby slept yesterday from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm, and then went back to bed at 7:30.
The good news is that when she finally woke up last night, she was ready to eat, and we actually saw a smile or two. That made us all happy.

Know what else is making me happy?
Losing SIX POUNDS this week!
Losing SIX POUNDS this week!
Okay, technically, this was a four-pound loss because I was up +2 last week. But I'm more than thrilled with four.
I'm thinking exercise must have played a big part in my losses lately -- I've lost much more consistently since I also started moving on a consistent basis. So I'm working hard to find a little time in each day to walk or pop in a workout DVD. I know they say diet is 80% of weight loss, but maybe my body just needs that extra 20% push from exercise.
I'm getting healthy.
And Posey has been instructed that she must remain healthy.
I'm thinking exercise must have played a big part in my losses lately -- I've lost much more consistently since I also started moving on a consistent basis. So I'm working hard to find a little time in each day to walk or pop in a workout DVD. I know they say diet is 80% of weight loss, but maybe my body just needs that extra 20% push from exercise.
I'm getting healthy.
And Posey has been instructed that she must remain healthy.
Oh well done! Brilliant!
Wow a very nice loss from all your hard work :) Glad to hear your little Posey is feeling better. My niece and nephew actually recently had hand, foot, and mouth which they caught at their daycare but they are on the mend also... thank goodness!
Yeah for you and yeah for little Posey!!!
Well done!!!!
Way to go Tracie!! So proud of you!
wow, congrats on the SIX pounds!! you rock!! so glad Posie is feeling better.
Great work!
I'm a new follower of yours and am also on the weight loss journey. My blog is http://jessisfound.blogrpot.com if you're interested : )
Six pounds is fantastic!
And your babies are SO cute :)
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